Moderated by Amy Cheng 鄭慧華主持
蔡 佳葳1980年生於台北。
系。之後前往紐約在蔡國強工作室工作兩年。協 助的案子包括金門碉堡展,威尼斯雙年展第一屆中國館,蔡國強古根漢回顧展和北京奧運會開幕計劃。2005年,蔡佳葳在巴黎卡地亞基金會年輕藝術家展覽中首次呈現自己的作品,在豆腐上寫心經,讓經文隨著物質的變化而腐爛。由這次展出之後開始受到國際藝術單位的邀約,其 中包括第一屆新加坡雙年展和第6屆亞太三年展,並在巴黎、東京、雪黎、波哥大、香港、北京、等城市舉辦過個展。除了創作之外,蔡佳葳同時也出版一本當代藝術雜誌 Lovely Daze 並為雜誌舉辦過許多地下音樂會與參與國際獨立出版的活動。
這次在TCAC第一屆論談雙年展的座談會將由策展人鄭慧華主持,蔡佳葳介紹自己的創作理念和過去與不同藝術機構的合作經驗。主 要會專注在這些機構對藝術家正面的影響、支援和延伸出的友誼。
Charwei Tsai was born in 1980 in Taipei. She graduated from Rhode Island School of Design in Industrial Design and Art History in 2002 and moved to New York and worked for artist Cai Guo-Qiang for two years. She assisted in projects such as Kimen Bunker Museum of Art, the first China Pavilion in Venice Biennale, Cai’s retrospective at Guggenheim, and proposal for Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony. In 2005, Tsai exhibited her own work for the first time at Fondation Cartier’s young artist exhibition where she wrote a Buddhist scripture onto tofu and let the sacred text transform with the changes of the material. She then participated in the First Singapore Biennale and 6th Asia-Pacific Triennial and had solo exhibitions in Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Bogota, Hong Kong, and Beijing. In addition to her artwork, Tsai publishes an independent periodical – Lovely Daze and organizes music performances and talks.
For this public discussion at TCAC hosted by curator Amy Cheng, Tsai will speak about the concept behind her work with the emphasis on the past experiences working with institutions where professional collaborations have extended to long-term friendships and support.