展覽期間 Exhibition:2010/12/18 - 2011/01/09,13:00 - 18:00 週一休館 closed on Monday
活動地點 Venue:新苑藝術 / 台北市八德路三段12巷51弄17號 Galerie Grand Siècle 17, Alley 51, Lane 12, Ba-de Rd. Sec.3, Taipei
開幕酒會 Opening Reception: 2010/12/18 (Sat.) 19:00-21:00
在 張騰遠的作品中,我們習以為常的觀看經驗受到張力極大的挑戰—他是個藝術家、又像個顛覆常規的科學家,透過設計精巧的觀看裝置、強烈風格化的影像,以不斷 傳送的畫面為游擊策略,讓訊息微微地潛入觀者之大腦褶皺,埋伏在身體反應開關的旁邊,在整個觀看過程中,慢慢地開啟觀者被關閉的生理反應條件。
藝 評陳怡君形容:「開挖不可見之內容即是創作工程最具價值的部分。張騰遠的創作主軸中,即是把一些深織在眼球中的生理現象挑揀出來。」充滿訊息與暗示的畫面 中,看似遊戲繽紛的觀看透露著些微的焦慮,然而在如此焦慮下,觀者的感知卻反被逼迫至漂浮偏離的輕盈,容許了制約的跳脫。囊括高雄獎與台北獎的新秀藝術家張騰遠,這次與新苑藝術合作,以擅長的動畫裝置,首次在台北完整展出這兩年來創作,呈現其創作中一向的關懷以及個人風格的特質。
Galerie Grand Siècle is very pleased to announce Chang Teng-Yuan’s first solo exhibition in Taipei. The winner of both Kaohsiung and Taipei Art Awards, Chang Teng-Yuan will present an array of stimulating animation installations and paintings.
How far is the edge that one’s sight could reach? Chang Teng-Yuan conceives an “art” of gazing that penetrates not only objects but also the viewer’s own sight.
His work vigorously challenges our habitual experiences in viewing—he is an artist, but sometimes you can’t help thinking that there is this side of a maverick scientist of him. Through exquisitely designed viewing devices and highly stylized images, he artfully slips information, with a strategy of non-stop image guerilla, into the folds of the viewer’s brain. As information accumulates, the switch to ignite some long-forgotten sensory experiences is rediscovered.
“Excavation of the invisible is the most precious in the process of an artistic construction. The core of Chang Teng-Yuan’s art is to sift through sensory phenomena that are intricately woven in the depth of our anatomic lens,” comments Chen Yi-Chun, an art critic. Abundant in information and hints, the colorful images in fact suggest some subtle anxiety. Under such weight of anxiety, the viewer’s perceptions, however, are lithely lifted to a floating divergence.