
夏可喜周年展 Sakshi Annual Exhibition

夏可喜周年展  Sakshi Annual Exhibition
開幕酒會:2010/5/15 (六) 19:00

參展藝術家:阿尼邦‧米特拉(Anirban Mitra)、清藤‧烏帕迪耶(Chintan Upadhyay)、希瑪‧烏帕迪耶( Hema Upadhyay)、卡拉( Jitish Kallat)、藍博‧卡勒卡( Ranbir Singh Kaleka)、蕾卡‧洛薇提雅(Rekha Rodwittiya)、蘇尼爾‧高帝( Sunil Gawde) 、圖格拉&塔格拉(Thukral & Tagra)、瓦雷‧湘堤( Valay Shende) 夏可喜當代藝術進駐台北一年了。

2009年在金融風暴的不景氣中,來自印度孟買的夏可喜當代藝術在台灣成立東亞分支,同時也是台灣唯一的國際畫廊。這一年來,除介紹豐富多元的印度當代藝術外,同時也首創東亞畫廊之始介紹目前在歐美相當受到矚目的非洲當代藝術展與美國當代藝術大師葛瑞格利.庫德森(Gregory Credson)東亞首展。此外,台灣當代藝術的推廣亦為夏可喜當代藝術東亞分部的年度重點規劃,我們今年在亞洲最重要的香港藝術博覽會(Art HK)介紹藝術家陳順築與許尹齡,瑞士巴塞爾藝術博覽會(Art Basel)的「藝術專題」(Art Feature)單元規劃陳界仁的個展。

夏可喜週年展策展面向著重展現印度當代藝術多元的面向,集結1950-1980年間出生具有個人特色的當代藝術家,包括80年代初期即在倫敦皇家藝術學院展出的藍博‧卡勒卡(Ranbir Singh Kaleka)、一向以Gauginesque女性為創作主題的巴羅達畫派藝術家蕾卡‧洛薇提雅(Rekha Rodwittiya)、即將在巴黎龐畢度中心展出的雕塑裝置藝術家蘇尼爾‧高帝(Sunil Gawde)、在歐美各地展出,其作品已列入重要私人收藏的卡拉(Jitish Kallat)、清藤‧烏帕迪耶(Chinatan Upadhyay)、甫參加亞太三年展的雙人組合圖格拉&塔格拉(Thukral & Tagra)、將個人圖像與印度圖騰巧妙拼接創造出優雅語彙的希瑪‧烏帕迪耶(Hema Upadhyay)與二位80年代出生的新興藝術家瓦雷‧湘堤( Valay Shende)與阿尼邦‧米特拉(Anirban Mitra)。


Press Release

Sakshi Annual Exhibition


Opening and Reception:2010/5/15 (Sat.) 19:00

Artists:Anirban Mitra, Chintan Upadhyay, Hema Upadhyay, Jitish Kallat, Ranbir Singh Kaleka, Rekha Rodwittiya, Sunil Gawde, Thukral & Tagra, Valay Shende

It is the 1st annual celebration of Sakshi Gallery Taipei!

Stepping out from the global economic crisis in 2009, India-based Sakshi Gallery established a new branch in Taipei as well as the first and the only one international gallery in Taiwan.

In addition to the expansive Indian contemporary art, Sakshi Gallery Taipei served as a pioneer to promote African contemporary art which has recently garnered much attention in Europe and American and hosted American photographer Gregory Crewdson’s first solo exhibition in East Asia.

Furthermore, the promotion of Taiwanese contemporary art is also the focus of Sakshi Gallery Taipei. It has also been implemented in the annual program of the Gallery including promote photographer Chen Shun-Chu and young lady artist Yinling Hsu to the most important Asian Art Fair, Art HK 10 and video artist Chen Chieh-Jen’s solo exhibition in Art Feature, Art Basel, the most prestigious art fair in the world.

The Annual Exhibition features multiple facets of contemporary Indian art, especially the participating artists were born from 1950 to 1980 such as Ranbir Singh Kaleka, the one exhibited at Royal Academy of Arts in London in 1982; Rekha Rodwittiya, whose works contains the theme of Gauginesque women; the installation artist whose pieces are soon to be exhibited at Centre Pompidou, Sunil Gawde; Jitish Kallat and Chintan Upadhyay, those two artists already received high recognition both in Western art circles; Thukral & Tagra, recently invited the exhibition of Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 2009; Hema Upadhyay, a female artist elegantly combining self-portraits with exotic patterns and two emerging artists born in the 80s, Valay Shende and Anirban Mitra.

The selection of the artworks for the Exhibition would be exceptional in East Asia. We cordially invite art lovers to experience and enjoy the Incredible Indian.
