

獎金總額15,000元的短片競賽! 大力趴替,用力拍片!
----------------------for English scroll down---------------------------------

堂堂邁入第九屆的影展今年依舊缺你不可!新年新氣象,今年獎金總額提高到新台幣15,000元,各位影音創作好漢們,快點將手上的大作整理一番,趕在截止日前踴躍的投件。別忘了,截止日期分別為 2010年3月1日(國外徵片與40分鐘以上之長片);2010年3月10日(國內徵片與短片),影展將於4月底在台北舉行,隨後巡展至新竹。

近年來的各種氣候變遷異象,對整個星球上的生態影響甚鉅,去年年底才在丹麥哥本哈根舉行完的UN Climate Change Conference也是爭議重重,因此,今年我們選定作為2010年度主題。不過,身為台灣唯一的地下影展且能將視野侷限?所以各種題材的大作我們都歡迎啦!徵選類型不限國際,可以是實驗性藝術片、劇情片、紀錄片、動畫、喜劇、有關政治、音樂、性別、社會專題、滑板、衝浪…只要你想的到,拍得出來的,快把它投遞到遊牧影展,與來自各地的參展者、參觀者一起分享吧!徵片種類的項目如下:

- 短片,就是剛才列出的各種題材,像往年一樣都歡迎您投來
- 長片,40分鐘以上的影片要早一點送來,截止日期為3月1日
- 錄像藝術 (video art),我們計畫將與一個新開幕的藝術空間,合作辦展覽與錄像藝術的趴替
- 惡搞 (kuso),今年遊牧影展還有新的怪誕徵片—1-3分鐘的kuso短片—強力徵求中!


獎金,當然;展現你的才氣,沒錯,舞台都為你準備好了!對於充滿文藝氣息的你,還有正式的映前/後與觀眾的對談會,讓你以正式導演的身分站在螢幕前。嘿,別來的太遲,也別走得太早~~我們還有超超超正點的開幕派對+閉幕派對!! 但最重要的是—當你的嘔心瀝血大作入圍,你的所有入場完完全全「撒比素」免費啊~~~還有甚麼比贏獎金,成名,又可同時以特別來賓的身分跑遍所有活動並免費更誘人的?還猶豫嗎,快準備投稿吧!

- 15分鐘以內的短片有優先錄取的機會
- 長片的入圍名額只有12部
- 中英雙語的影片也將優先錄取。國語影片須有英文字幕,其他語別的影片則須具中文字幕
- 影片製作年份須在 2008-2010 年之間
- 請勿重複投遞往年曾經投遞過的作品
- 每則影片須相應填具一張申請書
- 每則投遞影片須獨立在一張 DVD 光碟,請勿在同一張光碟上包含其它影片或資料
- 一份郵件則可包含多張光碟 (多則影片) 和多份相應的申請書
- 寄件可使用一般郵寄或掛號,不建議快遞

請您寄一封email給我們,主旨寫上 「義工」,內容請留下您的聯絡方式,我們會在影展開始前的一至兩個月與您聯絡,以確認工作內容和時間。

截止日期:3月1日: 國際徵片 & 長片(40分鐘以上)
3月10日: 國內徵片
徵片規格:DVD or MPEG2 (NTSC)
收件地址:100 臺北市金門街16號5樓

下載參賽報名表格 urbannomadfilmfest.blogspot.com
洽詢: urbannomadfilmfest@gmail.com

UN2010: Taiwan's indie showcase for short films, docs and video art!

The Urban Nomad Film Fest is now accepting entries for its ninth annual festival, to take place in Taipei and Hsinchu starting April 30, 2010. There are NT$15,000 in prizes for the best short local films. The entry deadline is March 10 for short films, and March 1 for films over 40-minutes.

This year we're getting with the environmental program, so we'll feature a program on the environment. There are just too many great new documentaries on this topic, and we'll debut several of them here in Taiwan. Otherwise, we will present the best new short films from Taiwan and cool-wierd ideas in film from the rest of the world. We also have a new category for 1-3 minute kuso films (kuso is Japanese for "shit" but implies a sense of clowning around.) What are we looking for? Films that are: extreme, socially concerned, political, sex-related, documentary, rock 'n roll, weird, funny, skate/surf, experimental, etc., etc. This year we also have something special in mind for the video art section. We'll also give some kick-ass parties and the best alternative film-watching environment in Taiwan.

International Applications and Features: Every year we invite several international feature-length films and documentaries and 1-2 directors for visits to Taipei. We are especially interested in cutting edge documentaries that would not otherwise be seen in Taiwan. We are looking for films that represent underground, indie or progressive currents, and we are willing to indulge the experimental. Films that fit this year's eco-focus theme are also naturally welcome, as are music films.

Rules and Suggestions:
- Films under 15 minutes stand a greater chance of getting accepted.
- No more than 12 feature-length films are accepted each year, on average (NEW!!)
- Priority will be given to films with both Chinese and English: in other words, Chinese language films should have English subtitles, and all other films should have Chinese subtitles.
- Films should be produced no earlier than 2008.
- Do not submit the same film you submitted in previous years.
- You must fill out one application form per film you submit.
- Each film should be on its own, separate DVD.
- You can send more than one DVD (and application form) per package.
- It is easiest for us to receive regular or registered mail via the post office.

If your film is accepted, you will be entitled to FREE ENTERY to all Urban Nomad events, including screenings and parties. Basically, we want to hang out with you. Also, if you can speak at the screening of your film, that would be awesome!

We need translators (English to Chinese) for film subtitles and event Staff for screenings and other events. Send us an email with VOLUNTEER in the subject line. We will contact you 1-2 months before the festival to check your availability.

Deadline: March 1 - International Films and Feature-Length Films
March 10 - Short films
Format: DVD or MEPG2 (NTSC)
Address: 5F #16 Jinmen St., Taipei 100, Taiwan

Download Entry Forms: urbannomadfilmfest.blogspot.com
Questions: urbannomadfilmfest@gmail.com
