
草山的顏色 Colors in Grass Mountain

草山的顏色 Colors in Grass Mountain
時間Date: 2009-10-3(六Sat.) ~ 2009-11-15(日Sun.)
地點Venue:草山國際藝術村 92藝文中心(台北市北投區湖底路92號)92 Art Center, Grass Mountain Artist Village (No.92 Hudi Road, Taipei)
電話Tel: 02-2862-2404/ 02-33937377*106
網站Web: http://www.artistvillage.org/events.php?type=1&id=26078


Have you ever been to Grass Mountain in early spring or late autumn? You will find it full of fallen cherry blossoms in spring and drizzling rain and winds in autumn, as if Grass Mountain were wearing different colors. If you're careful enough, you will feel color changing around mountain.


Monica Kuo, the Dean of the College of Environmental Design at Chinese Culture University has been invited by the Grass Mountain Artist Village to help explore the colors of Yang Ming Mountain. Dr. Guo has many years of experience and has amassed a database of the environmental colors in Yang Ming Shan, through linking with environmental chromatology and the research of environmental color. ‘Colors in Grass Mountain’ will be displayed as well as a demonstration of natural dyes that will let you discover the colors from the surrounding area.


‘Colors in Grass Mountain’ will let you learn more about the tonal-color in Yang Ming Shan, nature dyes and cultural creative products. Join our activities this fall, and let us enjoy our life’s color together!


環境色彩講座 Panel Discussion: Environmental Color

10/11(日Sun.) 1:30~2:30pm
「探索草山的色彩」- 郭瓊瑩 文化大學環境設計學院 院長

‘Discover the Color in Grass Mountain’ by Monica Kuo, the Dean of the College of Environmental Design at Chinese Culture University
「跟草山借顏色」- 高淑玲 資源染 創意藝術家

‘Borrow colours from Grass Mountain’ by Kao, Shu-Ling, Natural Dye Artist

11/07 (六Sat.) 1:30~2:30pm
「環境色彩與藝術的關係」- 張惠蘭 藝術創作者、獨立策展人

‘Between Environment Colors and Art’ by Hwei -Lan Chang, Vistual Artist, Independent Curator

B. 玩色工作坊 Workshop: Color Playing

1. 10/11 (日Sun.) 3:00~5:00pm

「色票馬賽克」- 曾妍菁、莊濬儒 文化大學環境設計學院

‘Color Sample Mosaic’ by Yen-Ching, Tseng & Gino Chuang, College of Environmental Design at Chinese Culture University

2. 10/24 (六Sat.) 3:30~5:30pm

「跟草山借顏色」- 高淑玲 資源染 創意藝術家

‘Borrow Colours from Grass Mountain’ by Kao, Shu-Ling, Natural Dye Artist
3. 11/07 (六Sat.) 3:00~5:00pm

「大地色彩」- 卡蘿塔 布尼堤 義大利地景藝術家

‘Earth Colors’ by Carlotta Brunetti, 2009 Residency Artist from Italy

主辦單位 台北市政府文化局、財團法人台北市文化基金會/ 策劃執行 台北國際藝術村 草山國際藝術村

協辦單位 中國文化大學環境設計學院/ 贊助 愛比科技internet的使用方法 台灣愛普生科技股份有限公司/

公播音樂製作提供 澎葉生Organized by Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, Taipei Culture Foundation/ Executed by Taipei Artist Village/ Support by IPEVO Epson Taiwan Technology & Trading Ltd./ Co-organizer College of Environmental Design, Chinese Culture University/ Call waiting tone by Yannick Dauby
