

Chirp! Chirp!The 9th Group Exhibition of SLY’s Artists
Curator: Huang, Wen-Lin
甘海蓉、李美璁、吳芳義、吳妍儀、沈聖博、何季圜、何政宏、汪曉青、林文藻、林 怡君、范晏暖、席時斌、許鳳玉、陳一凡、陳建北、萬一一、黃甯、黃文琳、黃心怡、黃莉婷、黃盟欽、黃舒榆、曾鈺涓、楊景堯、張士飛、 張雅萍、蔡珏伶、劉寅生、郭令權、郭昭吟、郭慧禪、鄭詩雋 (依照姓氏筆劃排列)
Artists: Kan, Hai-JungLi, Mei-TsungWu, Fang-YiWu, Yen-YiShen, Sheng-PoHo, Chi-HuanHo, Cheng-HungWang, Hsiao-ChingLin, Wen-TsaoLin, Yi-ChunFan, Yen-NuanHsi, Shih-PinHsu, Feng-YuChen, Yi-FanChen, Chien-PeiWan, Yi-YiHuang, NingHuang, Wen-LinHuang, Hsin-YiHuang, Li-TingHuang, Meng-ChinHuang, Shu-YuTseng, Yu-ChuanYang, Ching-YaoChang, Shih-FeiChang, Ya-PingTsai, Chueh-LingLiu, Yin-ShengKuo, Ling-ChuanKuo, Chao-Yin
Kuo, Hui-ChanCheng, Shih-Chun

Date: Saturday, June 26 2010 – Sunday, July 18 2010

Chirp! Chirp!Party: Saturday, June 26 2010, 3:00 PM
Conference: Saturday, July 3, 3:00PM

與談人:陳文祥(藝術家)、廖仁義 (藝術家)
Discussants: Chen, Wen- Cheung ( Artist )、Liao, Jen-Yi ( The Professor of TNUA )

地點:新樂園藝術空間(台北市中山北路二段1115-21F Tel:02-25611548)
Venue: Shin Leh Yuan Art Space ( 1F, No.15-2, Lane 11, Sec. 2, Zhong shan North Road, Taipei, Taiwan ) Inquiries: 02-25611548

「啾啾神功-評 藝生華」新樂園第九期成員團.練.展

初夏,相揪來新樂園,看看展覽,吹 冷氣,寫寫心得,好愜意..術就在巷弄裡..
"啾 啾"是鳥類發生叫聲的狀聲詞,讓人聯想到阿瑟.C.丹托Arther Danto所創的傭人某”(Testadura)所說「藝術對於美學就是禽鳥對於鳥類學」,世界上 先有各種不同的鳥類被發現、被研究,而不斷延伸鳥類學的定義,而不是先有完整的鳥類學才出現鳥類及鳥類的研究方法。

啾啾「眾聲喧嘩」的狀態,常是新樂 園流動的表情趣味樣貌,新樂園也持續扮演著美學和品味實驗室的可能場域,新樂園第十五個年頭民國九十九年,適逢新樂園第九期成員展。

「啾啾神功-評藝生華」取九九神功*的 諧音,如同一帖略帶無俚頭的戲謔意味的氣功散︰「解構藝術展覽結構上的嚴肅框架、舒通菁英觀看角度與品味的氣血不順淤塞,活 化乖戾而非熱血的創作冷感體質,促成藝術發言權交付給每個非專業者的大眾..」 廣發武林帖,要辦一場藝術書寫與藝術展覽共同團練的合和展,讓藝術家和觀者有更多的對話。

「啾啾神功-評藝生華」形容對藝術創作需要強健的永續力和經得起壓力考驗的良好體質的比喻, 亦是「團練計劃」的符號趣味,在於以開放性和趨於大眾口味的書寫可能,帶來成員的創作刺激、引出更多可能性的對話,讓一個 書寫和展覽的串聯和蔓延的整體事件吊起並拉開。透過異論的成形,取得一個更具荒謬性的情節。

關於藝術展覽論述的討論與共同激 盪,或辯論 在新樂園發生都是一件美好的事情。
Chirp! Chirp!The 9th Group Exhibition of SLY’s Artists

In the early summer, let’s check out the exhibition at Shin Leh Yuan Art Space and stay in this comfortable place with us. Feel free to give us your feedback of “Art phenomenon in the Alley”

“ Chirp Chirp ” is a word that describes the sounds of birds. It was reminiscent of the theory of“ Testadura” founded by Arthur. C. Danto, According to the theory, “Art is for aesthetics as birds are for ornithology.” There is a variety of birds found and studied. These researches extend our knowledge of birds. Ornithology was not established before we started studying birds. Ornithology evolved as more and more birds were studied.

In the status of “Chirp Chirp” with the condition of “Hubbub”, usually represents the expression of Shin Leh Yuan Art Space as well as is a dynamic frequently in the art field, also continued to act as an aesthetics and keep renovate the disused space. Not is only it 15th year of The Shin Leh Yuan Art Space in 2010, but it is also the 9th group exhibition of Shin Leh Yuan’s Artists.

“Chirp Chirp –Development of the Critic” takes a homophonic method of “99 magic ability” in mandarin, which was brought up in the funny way to herbal medicine of Qigong: Deconstruction of the exhibition structure in the serious frame, to give difference point of view and the perspective, be activation for the creative without passion, each non professionals has right to speak about arts….. Shin Leh Yuan Art Space will hold a cooperation exhibition including the exhibition and along with the common in written. Allowing the artists and the viewers has more dialogs.

In terms of “Chirp Chirp –Development of the Critic”, is an analogy to describe the requirement of a strong sustainability for art creation and a better physical which could stand the pressure, also is an interesting symbolic of the “plan”, emphasizes on open for public to write the critic and using the free style written, leads to more possible of dialogue and communication between the creative stimulation and artists, so that the written part and the exhibition can pull the whole event together. It went though in the form of “Difference of Discussion”, to obtain a more absurd of circumstances.

Regards of this statement of this exhibition, it was so wonderful to experience discussion, brainstorming, or even debate, which were brought the remarkable event at Shin Leh Yuan Art Space. 
Facebook:Shin Leh Yuan
電話/ 02-25611548 傳真/ 02-25683667  
開放時間:週三~週日 1:00-8:00pm
財團法人國家文化藝術基金會 行政贊助
台北市文化局  維護贊助
