
《環保的氣氛戰爭之2061》 跨領域藝術文件展 The Ambience of Environmental Protection War: 2061- an Interdisciplinary Art Exhibition

展出地點 Place:inFIDI art space 藝術空間
展出時間 Date:2010.2.26 (fri.) – 3.21 (sun.)
開幕時間 Opening Reception:2.26 (Fri.) 7:30 pm

展覽簡介 Introduction/



概念統籌 Concept by/江洋輝 Yang-huei Chiang
攝影 Photography/ 邵亭魁 Ting-kuei Shao
服裝 Stylist/ 賴蔚炅 Wei-jion Lai
裝置 Installation Art/江洋輝 Yang-huei Chiang
攝影文案 Photo Copy Writer/曾彗菁 Hui-ching Tseng
執行製作 Executive Producer/ 陳姿香 Sharon Chen

According to legitimate statistics, the current impacts on human caused by climatic changes are far greater than what wars could induce. The economic losses caused by global climatic changes and extreme weather catastrophes are ten times greater than the circumstances four decades ago. As we know, global warming is causing serious climatic changes, and bizarre weather conditions and precipitations are bearing various signs, and an invisible force with an accelerated speed is pushing mankind into a lengthy and critical battle for survival. Extending from documents used in a public art project, Yang-Huei Chiang of VERY Conception has invited fashion photographer, Kris Shao, and Wei-Jion La, winner of the Golden Horse Award for Best Costume Design, to join in the collaborative effort to present the exhibition’s direction with an approach using disguised narrative.

In “The Ambience of Environmental Protection War – 2061”, Yang-Huei Chiang has turned environmental protection consciousness into a warfare, where environmental protection actions are transformed into the origin of war, and “2061” is used as a key factor for the art endeavor. Similar to a conceptual icon, 2061 could be a fabricated fragment of history, the day of today 50 years later, or it could just be a combination of meaningless numbers. As a conceptual demonstration based on ambiance, the artist attempts to use two non-present subjects to construct a make-believe war, where one is based on the unknown future, and the other is the not-so-concrete yet realistically present enemy. “This war is not trying to fight against any existing system, and by considering it as an actual war, it is to say that the war is happening within the decisions made by the human consciousness…” says Chiang. The ironic nature in “The Ambience of Environmental Protection War” is depicted through the pursuant of meanings found within the fabricated historical documents, and from what appears to be a journey of pursuit. Because of the invisibility of the subjects being pursued, the spectators are hence being asked in return to introspect about their personal approaches and actions toward the environment. In this war of consciousness that could not afford any further delay, mankind is forced to face the current situation that is pertinent to survival. When natural resources are eventually fully depleted, environmental issues will forcibly have priority over political, social, economical, historical, cultural, and artistic matters. In the not too distant future, if mankind continues to exhaust without restraint the natural resources that we rely on for survival, and if proper controls are not implemented for the destructions we are causing in nature, the impacts that mankind has provoked in the environment will ultimately cause the break out of a “Real War”.

inFIDI 藝術空間

地址 Add ︰台北市武昌街二段89號 B1(西門町 In89 豪華戲院 B1)
B1, No.89, Sec. 2, Wuchang St., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (In89 Digital Cinema B1, Ximenting)
電話 Tel︰886-2-2331-5077
開放時間 Gallery Hours/ 週二至週日 1:30 pm - 9:00 pm Tue~Sun | 附近有「峨眉停車場」可停車
