
畫。塗-葉永青精品收藏展 Beyond Graffiti- Ye Yongqing Solo Exhibition

畫。塗-葉永青精品收藏展 Beyond Graffiti- Ye Yongqing Solo Exhibition
展覽日期:2009.10.10(六)- 11.15(日)
茶會日期:2009.10.10 3:00 - 5:00pm
展覽地址:台灣台北市忠孝東路一段12號B1 寒舍空間
聯絡電話:+886-2-3322-3833 網址:www.myhumblehouse.com

Exhibition Duration: 2009.10.10(六)- 11.15(日)
Exhibition Opening: 2009.10.10 3:00 - 5:00pm
Venue:12Chung-Hsiao East Road, Section 1, Taipei, Taiwan 100

法國文學評論家羅蘭.巴特(Roland Barthes)曾經設想一種直陳、中性幾近數理方程式般的文體,稱為「零度書寫」。我們可將此種文學思考延伸,用以閱讀葉永青的作品。

The famous French critic Roland Barthes once imagined a general style of writing that is straightforward, neutral, and almost mathematical called "zero writing". The exhibition will be an extension of such a style thought the work of Ye Yongqing: what appears to be a seemingly random charcoal sketch is in fact “laid out” by precise brush strokes. In terms of the quest for aesthetic experience point of view, Ye Yongqing once described his work as "no specific idea, just simple scribbles". But such declaration has happened to describe the “confusion” in the essence of art. Under the medium plethora in contemporary art, Ye has chosen to follow this low-key, zero reflection path, and to declare that his series of scribbles are in fact a kind of deep artistic thinking. This mutually contradictory and opposite forces are what draw people to Ye’s work.

寒舍空間 My Humble House Art Gallery
12 Chung-Hsiao East Road, Section 1, Taipei, Taiwan 100
Tel:+886 2 3322 3833 Fax:+886 2 3322 3882
